Strictly speaking, it is not one house at all, but three houses joined together.
柯林斯例句Aerodynamic forces and moments are strictly speaking functionals of the state variables.
辞典例句Strictly speaking , however , fatalism is not a form of determinism.
严格说来, 宿命论并不是一种决定论.
——期刊摘选Strictly speaking, it is not possible to absorb gamma rays completely.
严格来说, 不可能把γ射线全部吸收掉.
辞典例句Strictly speaking Hankow and Nanking lie just south of the Great Plain.
互联网Strictly speaking, if I were you, I would just and ask ont.
严格地说, 如果我是你, 我会直接去问她.
互联网Strictly speaking, they shouldn't be called philosophers, but rather'philophilosophers.'
严格讲起来, 他们不该叫哲学家Philophilosophers, 该叫‘哲学家学家’philophilosophers. ”
汉英文学 - 围城I think, strictly speaking, you are wrong there.
我认为, 严格地讲, 你在那一点上是错了.
辞典例句Strictly speaking all kinds of natural water are actually mixtures.
互联网Strictly speaking, ventilation is also a means of indoor air sterilization.
严格来说, 通风也是室内空气消毒的一种方法.
互联网We are concerned with some New Englanders who were not strictly speaking Bostonians.
辞典例句Strictly speaking, a slow - worm is a kind of reptile.
严格地说, 蛇晰是一种爬行动物.
互联网Strictly speaking, she is not a friend of mine.
严格说来, 她不是我的朋友. (说明全句说话方式)
互联网Strictly speaking, a tomato is a fruit, not a vegetable.
严格说来, 西红柿是水果, 不是蔬菜.
互联网Strictly speaking, these people are not collectors.
严格地说, 这些人称不上收藏家.
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